Our Focuses|Social Inclusion|Social Impact

Social Inclusion

Starting from its ESG vision, Winbond aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to tackle various societal challenges. It incorporates Winbond's core strengths into three main strategic initiatives: Talent Development, Nature-based Solutions, and the Promotion of Charity and Environmental Protection, aiming to leverage resources for social impact.
1.Talent Development: Winbond is committed to fostering individuals by imparting new knowledge and skills, thereby offering opportunities for their development. Notable initiatives in 2023 include the "Semiconductor Academy," "Academic Sponsorship," and organizing "Cultural Events.”
2.Natural-based Solutions: In line with achieving the 2050 net-zero target, Winbond collaborates with various sectors to promote industry-academia-government cooperation programs. Key projects in 2023 include "Afforestation" and "Conservation and Breeding," aimed at carbon removal from the atmosphere and enhancing biodiversity simultaneously.
3.Promotion of Charity and Environmental Protection: Winbond dedicates resources to assist vulnerable groups and improve livelihoods. Key initiatives in 2023 include "Supporting the Disadvantaged," "Emergency Aid," and "Environmental Protection."

SDGs 17 Partnerships for the Goals
SDGs 13 Climate Action
SDGs 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDGs 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDGs3 Good Health and Well-Being

Total Social Welfare Investment Amount



Education Financial Aid Raised for Impoverished Students



Supporting elementary school students for a whole year



Social Impact

Social Impact in 2023

Ratio of Total Investment

TypeMain ProjectsAmount Invested in 2023(Unit: NTD)
Care for youths and children
  • Fundraising for Impoverished Students Education Financial Aid
Supporting the Disadvantaged
  • Southern Taiwan Science Park Charity Picnic
  • Happy Breakfast and School Renovation Programs for Children in Rural Areas
Academic sponsorship
  • Collaborating with National Cheng Kung University to launch the 'Semiconductor Program'
  • Sponsoring the 'Distinguished Professor Research Fund' at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
  • Sponsoring National Nanke International Experimental High School to participate in the FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) International Robotics Competition
  • Sponsoring the International Symposium on Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) Technology
Promotion of charity and environmental protection
  • Guard Fazi River: Do Sports for Charity, Stay Healthy for the Earth
  • Sponsoring Houfeng Bikeway
Cultural Events
  • Artistic Journey of the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum
  • Sponsoring the "On the Road"(working title) Documentary Series
  • Employee Enthusiastically Responds to Blood Donation for Public Welfare
  • Enriching Medical Supplies in Rural Areas
Total 18,112,865

Note: For the social impact in 2023, the investment amount included the amount of community investment, the amount of employee donations, and other project expenses disclosed in the company’s consolidated statements.

Assistance Beneficiaries

Recipient families, underprivileged children, aided organizations, volunteers, students, schools, community residents, and NPO organizations

Social impact

Enhancing environmental conservation awareness and appreciation for the arts and culture

Enhancing learning outcomes

Reducing economic burden

Increasing external resources