Stakeholder Engagement|Material Issues and Management Approach

Material Issues and Management Approach

Material Issues and Management Approach


Material Issues and Management Approach

Matrix of Level of Potential Positive and Negative Impact and Likelihood of Occurrence

Definition of positive impact : Refers to positive or noticeable results generated by Winbond implementing measures in response to the topic, leading to a positive economic, environmental, or social (including human rights) impact on sustainable development. Definition of Negative impact: Refers to the negative economic, environmental, or social (including human rights) impact caused by Winbond’s overall business operations due to Winbond failing to implement or poorly implementing measures in response to the topic.


Matrix of Level of Potential Positive Impact and Likelihood of Occurrence

Environmental (E)
Social (S)
Governance (G)

Ranking of top 10 sustainability issues with positive or negative impact and likelihood of occurring


Matrix of Potential Negative Impact and Likelihood of Occurrence

Environmental (E)
Social (S)
Governance (G)

Note: Ranking of top 10 sustainability issues with positive or negative impact and likelihood of occurring

Material topics and their relationship with Winbond value chain

Environmental (E)


Social (S)


Governance (G)

Material TopicType of impact(positive/negative)Description of impact(description of economy, environment, and people (including human rights) impact)Scope of Impact to Value Chain2023 Result
(Please refer to the following sections)
WinbondCustomersSupply Chain
Green Product
  • Improving product functions and reducing product energy consumption can create positive benefits for the environment.
  • Product market competitiveness.
  • Consistent with sustainability trends, meet customer expectations, improve product positioning and revenues, while also benefiting the environment.
  • Failure to meet customer demands would diminish product value and reduce revenue.

2.2 Quality management for products and services

2.3 customer relationship management


Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management
  • Carbon emissions management, calculating and managing carbon costs.
  • If energy consumptions and emissions go unmanaged, this may lead to severe environmental impacts and accelerate the negative impact of climate change.
  • Managing Winbond’s energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions to effectively reduce costs.
  • Mitigati the potential operational impacts caused by extreme climate conditions.
3.1 Energy and greenhouse gas management 
Material TopicType of impact(positive/negative)Description of impact(description of economy, environment, and people (including human rights) impact)Scope of Impact to Value Chain2023 Result
(Please refer to the following sections)
WinbondCustomersSupply Chain
Talent Management
  • Bilateral communications between employers and employees help promote smooth business operations.
  • The safety, diversity, equality, and compliance of the workplace environment significantly impact talent retention or turnover.
  • By enhancing talent acquisition and retention, as well as fostering employee skills and self-worth, we promote the sustainable operation of a happy enterprise and enhance our R&D innovation capabilities.
  • Implementing occupational safety and health management, prevent serious workplace injuries, and promote the physical and mental well-being of employees. 

5.1 Human rights

5.2 Talent attraction and development 

5.3 Employee communication and relations 

5.4 Occupational safety and health 

Material TopicType of impact(positive/negative)Description of impact(description of economy, environment, and people (including human rights) impact)Scope of Impact to Value Chain2023 Result
(Please refer to the following sections)
WinbondCustomersSupply Chain
Business Integrity and Corporate Governance
  • Improve positive brand image.
  • Corruption and anti-competitive behavior reduce the trust that stakeholders have in Winbond, negatively affecting our operating revenue.
  • Well-established corporate governance and regulatory compliance lead to increased investment.
  • Avoiding illegal activities prevents financial and rights losses for Winbond and certain groups.

1. Corporate Governance

2. Business integrity

Regulatory Compliance
  • Elevating reputation for sustainable operations.
  • Receiving legal or regulatory penalties may damage Winbond’s reputation, and negatively impact our financial situation and employees.
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements enhances reputation, leading to increased investment and revenue.
  • Avoiding the impact on society and Winbond resulting from non-compliance with social or environmental regulations.

1.2 Business integrity

3 Environmental sustainability

5.1 Human rights governance

5.4 Occupational safety and health

Risk Management
  • Improve corporate resilience, reducing the impact of risk on the Winbond.
  • Without a risk management system, potential risks that occur may damage Winbond’s reputation and lead to financial losses
  • Information security leaks may lead to security or financial losses
  • Through effective corporate governance, human rights, and supply chain risk management systems, the impact and likelihood of risks from climate change and human factors can be reduced
  • Encourage greater investment from Winbond’s stakeholders
1.4 Risk management
Research, Development and Innovation
  • Research and development into improving energy conservation and carbon reduction performance are able to provide both Winbond and our customers with benefits.
  • If research, development, and innovation are unable to provide results that customers are satisfied with, Winbond’s competitiveness would decline.
  • The energy conservation and carbon reduction benefits provided through research and development are able to reduce environmental impact.
  • Innovative technologies can satisfy customer requirements, leading to more competitive products and higher revenues for Winbond.
2.1 Research, development, and innovation
Productivity and Business Performance
  • Increased productivity, positively impacting revenues.
  • Insufficient productivity, reducing business performance.
  • Increased productivity can reduce costs and waste, improving business performance and capabilities.
  • Insufficient productivity can lead to higher costs and waste, leading to revenue losses and increased environmental burden.
1.3 Productivity and business performance
Supply Chain Management
  • Refine the supply chain management system, making the goods supply process more stable and smooth.
  • Supply channels obstructed, leading to production and sales delays.
  • Build a comprehensive supply chain management system, ensuring that supply is stable, leading to increased business production efficiency and higher revenues.
  • Poor management of the social and environmental aspects of the supply chain, leading to lower customer trust and sales orders.
4 Sustainable supply chain


    Direct impact
    Indirect impact through commercial relationship

Strategies and Goals for Material Topics

Business Integrity and Corporate Governance

Regulatory Compliance

Risk Management

Research, Development and Innovation

Productivity and Business Performance

Supply Chain Management

Green Product

Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management

Talent Management

Legal compliance is the minimum threshold to be achieved. The Winbond considers “ethical business management” to be the highest standard for business ethics, and by following these standards, the Company strives for mutual prosperity for both the Company and society.

2023 Goal

  • Attain top 20% ranking in TWSE Corporate Governance Evaluation.
  • Ensure that, from 2025 onwards, female board seats account for ≥1/3.

2023 Performance

  • ✔ listed in top 6 -20%
  • 3 female directors, accounting for 27%

2024 Short-Term Goal

listed in top 20%


2030 Mid- & Long-Term Goal

  • listed in top 20%
  • From 2025, female board seats will account for ≥1/3
Winbond shall fully complies with all laws and regulations on corporate governance, financial operations, trade, environmental protection, occupational safety and health, information security, intellectual property, worker rights, internal controls, and risk management relevant to our business operations.

2023 Goal

  • Implement and conduct 12 regulatory compliance –related courses/year.
  • Ensure strict compliance with relevant domestic and foreign laws and regulations, with no major violations.

2023 Performance

  • ✔ 21 courses
  • ✔ 0

2024 Short-Term Goal

  • >12 course/year
  • 0

2030 Mid- & Long-Term Goal

  • >15 course/year
  • 0
Adhering to the goal of sustainable business operations, establishing a risk management mechanism, integrating and managing various potential risks that may affect operations and profitability, including but not limited to financial, environmental, cybersecurity, operational, and climate risks.

2023 Goal

  • Strengthen climate resilience and formulate measures climate change adaptation and prevention to minimize the impact of climate risks and production disruptions caused by climate disasters.

2023 Performance

✔ 0 days


2024 Short-Term Goal

0 days


2030 Mid- & Long-Term Goal

0 days

Winbond promises to provide the most competitive products and services in our targeted markets. Winbond promises to deliver most energy efficient and power saving, as well as low carbon emission, products through our innovative technologies from R&D.

2023 Goal

  • Achieve over 80% customer satisfaction
  • Obtain approval for 350 patents worldwide

2023 Performance

  • ✔ 85.2%
  • ✔ 390 patents

2024 Short-Term Goal

  • >80%
  • >350 patents

2030 Mid- & Long-Term Goal

  • >80%
  • >350 patents
Winbond is committed to improving productivity and business performance, with sustainable development and the enhancement of corporate value as our guiding goals. We are actively promoting digital transformation, introducing advanced technology, and popularizing the application of data and AI. We continuously optimize our business strategy and management models to improve corporate competitiveness and market share, while also strengthening employee training and motivation.

2023 Goal

Complete at least 24 digital transformation activities and training sessions in 2023


2023 Performance

✔ 35 sessions


2024 Short-Term Goal

72 sessions


2030 Mid- & Long-Term Goal

72 sessions

Winbond is committed to ensuring the stability of our supply chains, improving supply chain transparency, and establishing and implementing polices on environmental protection and corporate social responsibility through close collaborations with our suppliers. These efforts aim to promote the overall legal compliance and continued development of the overall supply chain.

2023 Goal

  • Conduct an annual survey of major suppliers to assess their sustainable supply chain resource usage, with a focus on improving the survey response rate each year
  • Achieve a high implementation rate of sustainability risk assessment of key suppliers
  • Achieve a high installation and utilization rate of the outsourced product GHG emission data exchange standard module for suppliers
  • Plan the implementation and utilization of internal logistics operational systems and green electricity product production systems
  • Achieve a 37% localization rate in key raw material procurement
  • Complete 8 projects focus on developing multi-sources for key raw materials
  • Enhance the construction and utilization rates of the suppliers ESG Interactive Network
  • Host annual Suppliers ESG Co-Learning Workshops (cumulative sessions)
  • Organize annual Sustainable Supply Chain Forums (cumulative sessions)
  • Provide 28 hours ESG education and training for internal supply chain colleagues (per person)

2023 Performance

  • ✔ ≧90%
  • ✔ 100%
  • Installation rate 60%
  • Installation rate 60%
  • ✔ 37%
  • ✔ 8 projects
  • Installation Rate>90%
  • ✔ 24 sessions
  • ✔ 3 sessions
  • ✔ 28 hours per person

2024 Short-Term Goal

  • ≧91%
  • 100%
  • Installation rate 100%
  • Installation rate 100%
  • 38%
  • 14 projects
  • Utilization rate 100%
  • 32 sessions
  • 5 sessions
  • 30 hours per person

2030 Mid- & Long-Term Goal

  • ≧93%
  • 100%
  • Utilization rate 100%
  • Utilization rate 100%
  • 41%
  • 26 projects
  • Utilization rate 100%
  • 80 sessions
  • 20 sessions
  • 40 hours per person
Winbond’s vision is to become a “hidden champion in providing sustainable semiconductors to enrich human life”, and Winbond has devoted ourselves to developing a high-efficiency, small-size, low energy-consumption, and high-quality green memory products and green manufacturing processes.

2023 Goal

  • 1.2V HyperRAM mass production
  • 3V Spi NOR RV series mass production

2023 Performance

  • ✔ The 1.2V HyperRAM products were mass-produced utilizing advanced, compact packaging such as 49BGA and WLCSP. (Note 1)
  • ✔ The RV series produced 34% less GHG emissions than the 90nm DV series

2024 Short-Term Goal

  • Energy savings and GHG emission reductions at the customer application end >33% (Note 2)
  • GHG reduction of 35,000 tCO2e (Note 4)

2030 Mid- & Long-Term Goal

  • 20% reduction in GHG emissions throughout the products’ life cycle. (Note 3)
  • GHG reduction of 110,000 tCO2e (Note 4)
Combine data science and professional knowledge, and together with our plant facility systems suppliers, continue to improve energy usage efficiency, gradually increase the proportion of renewable energy used, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2023 Goal

  • Total power saving: 2~3%
  • YoY reduction in electricity consumption per unit product: ≥ 1%
  • YoY reduction in GHG emission intensity: ≥5%
  • The water recycling rate of the entire plants ≥ 80%
  • Overall waste recycling rate: ≥ 90%
  • Reduction rate of volatile organic compounds (VOCs): ≥ 93%

2023 Performance

  • ✔ 4.2%
  • Increased 22.8% (Note 5)
  • Increased 17.4% (Note 5)
  • ✔ 82.2%
  • ✔ 90.9%
  • ✔ 98%

2024 Short-Term Goal

  • 2~3%
  • ≥1%
  • ≥5%
  • ≥80%
  • ≥90%
  • ≥93%

2030 Mid- & Long-Term Goal

  • >2~3%
  • ≥1%
  • ≥5%
  • ≥80%
  • ≥90%
  • ≥93%
Winbond is committed to providing a high-quality working environment, competitive compensation and benefits to attract, develop, and retain our talents, aiming to enhance employee engagement and dedication.

2023 Goal

  • Global human rights and labor ethics training course – achieve a 100% attendance rate
  • Ensure social inclusion donations > NT$10 million
  • Maintain total compensation within the top 25% of the industry
  • Attain ≥95% employee retention and willingness to contribute at Winbond for the next 5 years, based on the 2023 Employee Core Values and Engagement Survey results
  • (Important operating sites-WEC) Ensure the average number of learning hours per employee reaches 48 hours

2023 Performance

  • ✔ 100%
  • ✔ NT$18.11 million
  • ✔ Top 25% (Note 6)
  • ✔ ≧ 97%
  • ✔ 50 hours per person

2024 Short-Term Goal

  • 100%
  • >NT$10 million
  • Top 25%
  • ≧95%
  • 50 hours per person

2030 Mid- & Long-Term Goal

  • 100%
  • >NT$10 million
  • Top 25%
  • ≧95%
  • 65 hours per person

Note: 1: The 128Mb~512Mb products were mass-produced in 49BGA package, and the 1.2V/128Mb products were mass-produced in WLCSP (Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Package). 2: This calculation was based on 25nm 1.2V/128Mb HyperRAM product. 

3: Calculations were based on the entire range of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) products including the process evolution.

4: Calculations were based on the entire range of flash memory products including the process evolution. 

5: The challenge in meeting targets was linked to the global economic recession in 2023, resulting in decreased production capacity. Furthermore, the Kaohsiung fab not yet attained economies of scale, contributing to elevated average electricity consumption and emissions per unit product. 

6: Data was sourced from the figures published annually in July by the Taiwan Stock Exchange Market Observation Post System for the preceding year.


Alignment of Major Topics with GRI, SASB, UN Global Compact, SDGs, and Winbond Commitments

Winbond aligns nine major issues with international standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, (SASB), the United Nations Global Compact, (UNGC) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, (SDGs).

Environmental (E)


Social (S)


Governance (G)

Material TopicSignificance to WinbondCommitment of WinbondGRISASBUNGCSDGs
Green Product
  • Creating value, reducing risks, and developing sustainable technologies and products in order to create secure,energy-saving, and smart lifestyles
Winbond’s vision is to become a “hidden champion in providing sustainable semiconductors to enrich human life”, and Winbond has devoted ourselves to developing a high-efficiency, small-size, low energy-consumption, and high-quality green memory products and green manufacturing processes.GRI 417 Marketing and LabelingTC-SC-410a.1
Product lifecycle management
Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management
  • Extreme climate conditions threaten to upset ecosystem balance. Winbond needs to do our part to save energy and reduce carbon emissions.
Combine data science and professional knowledge, and together with our plant facility systems suppliers, continue to improve energy usage efficiency, gradually increase the proportion of renewable energy used, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.GRI 302 Energy
GRI 305 Emission
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Energy emission
Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
Material TopicSignificance to WinbondCommitment of WinbondGRISASBUNGCSDGs
Talent Management
  • Talent is the key to Winbond’s success. Recruiting talent, using talent, cultivating talent, and retaining talent are all long-term operational tasks.
Winbond is committed to providing a high-quality working environment, competitive compensation and benefits to attract, develop, and retain our talents, aiming to enhance employee engagement and dedication.GRI 401 Employment
GRI 403 Occupational Health and Safety 
GRI 404 Training and Education
GRI 405 Diversity and Equal Opportunity 
GRI 406 Non-discrimination 
GRI 408 Child Labor
Workforce Health & Safety 
Recruiting & Managing a Global & Skilled Workforce
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
The effective abolition of child labour.
The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Material TopicSignificance to WinbondCommitment of WinbondGRISASBUNGCSDGs
Business Integrity and Corporate Governance
  • In the knowledge economy, business integrity and corporate governance are vital for high-tech firms such as Winbond.
Adherence to legal regulations is the fundamental baseline; "business integrity" represents Winbond's highest ethical standard. Based on this principle, we strive for the mutual prosperity of both the company and society.GRI 205 Anti-Corruption 
GRI 206 Anti-competitive Behavior
Intellectual Property Protection & Competitive Behaviour
Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. 
Regulatory Compliance
  • Winbond is committed to a corporate philosophy of sustainable development, and to doing our part as a responsible corporation. Winbond has complied with all laws and regulations throughout our overall business operations.
Winbond shall fully complies with all laws and regulations on corporate governance, financial operations, trade, environmental protection, occupational safety and health, information security, intellectual property, worker rights, internal controls, and risk management relevant to our business operations.Regulatory compliance (self-defined topic)   
Risk Management
  • A sound and well-implemented risk management system is the foundation of Winbond’s sustainable business operations.
Adhering to the goal of sustainable business operations, establishing a risk management mechanism, integrating and managing various potential risks that may affect operations and profitability, including but not limited to financial, environmental, cybersecurity, operational, and climate risks.Risk management (Self-defined topic)  
Research, Development and Innovation
  • Research, development and innovation into our products, technologies, and business model are the sources of our competitiveness and value. They are also one of the most effective ways to conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions.
Winbond promises to deliver most competitive, energy-efficient, power-saving, and low-carbon-emission products through our innovative technologies developed in R&D.Research & Development and Innovation (Self-defined topics)  
Productivity and Business Performance
  • Productivity and business performance are critical to Winbond’s continued development. Improving productivity can lead to lower costs and less waste while increasing income at the same time, further increasing corporate profits and improving business performance.
Winbond is committed to improving productivity and business performance, with sustainable development and the enhancement of corporate value as our guiding goals. We are actively promoting digital transformation, introducing advanced technology, and popularizing the application of data and AI. We continuously optimize our business strategy and management models to improve corporate competitiveness and market share, while also strengthening employee training and motivation.GRI 201 Economic Performance  
Supply Chain Management
  • Building a sustainable and resilient supply chain system, coordinating and integrating logistics, production, procurement, and other sales-related activities, achieving high production and service efficiency and maximizing value.
Winbond is committed to ensuring the stability of our supply chains, improving supply chain transparency, and establishing and implementing polices on environmental protection and corporate social responsibility through close collaborations with our suppliers. These efforts aim to promote the overall legal compliance and continued development of the overall supply chain.GRI 308 Supplier Environmental Assessment 
GRI 414 Supplier Social Assessment
TC-SC-440a.1 Material sourcingMake sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.