Our Focuses|Human Rights and Talent Management|Human Resources Management

Human Rights and Talent Management

Winbond complies with internationally-recognized human rights standards, taking these standards as our highest-level guiding principle, and labor rights laws. Winbond protects our employees’ freedom of association and right to free speech, and do not discriminate against employees on the basis of race, age, gender, sexual preference, disability, pregnancy, politics, and religion. Winbond is devoted to creating a workplace free from discrimination.

Winbond is committed to putting people first, and adheres to international human rights conventions and labor rights laws. Through the comprehensive human resource policies established by our human resource department, Winbond has protected the human rights of our employees, and ensured that Winbond practices diversity, equality, and human rights protection. In 2022, Winbond was certified by the RBA Validated Assessment Program (VAP) as having zero violations, and experienced no violation of laws and regulations in 2023. Winbond continuously lead employees to actively engage in social welfare activities, benefit the external community, create value and expand our positive social impact.

SDGs 17 Partnerships for the Goals
SDGs 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

First time performed a human rights due diligence investigation, with the coverage of potential negative human rights impact assessment is



Providing a monthly Childcare Allowance for employees of



Weighted employment of disabled individuals increased by



Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management

Winbond continues to enhance its human resource management system and optimize its human resource integration system, including recruitment, retention, compensation, benefits and talent development. Winbond is committed to promoting a people-centric corporate culture, increasing employee engagement with Winbond, and dedicating substantial resources to talent attraction and retention. In the face of global uncertainties, Winbond strives to maintain a strong competitive edge.

Workforce Structure

Global Talent Deployment

As of 2023, the total number of employees at Winbond’s Taiwan headquarters is 3,546, including 2,844 executives in research and development/production, administration/sales, as well as 702 production support personnel. The total number of overseas employees is 809, which includes 603 executives in research and development/production, administration/sales, as well as 206 production support personnel.

Global Workforce Distribution

Unit: persons

ItemHead Office (Taiwan)Asia (excluding Taiwan)North AmericaMiddle EastEurope
Fixed-term ContractIndefinite ContractFixed-term ContractIndefinite ContractFixed-term ContractIndefinite ContractFixed-term ContractIndefinite ContractFixed-term ContractIndefinite Contract

Note: Employees classification according to GRI corresponds to fixed-term contract employees classified as temporary staff; indefinite contract employees classified as permanent staff. Winbond does not employ staff without guaranteed working hours.

Number of Global Employees for Previous Years

Distribution of Foreign and Overseas Employees for the Taiwan Head Office

 Foreign EmployeesOverseas Employees
Number of Employees503
Percentage (%)1.410.08

Note: The proportion of foreign and overseas employees is calculated by dividing the number of foreign and overseas employees by the total number of employees at the Taiwan headquarters.


Talent Recruitment

Diverse Recruitment Channels

Winbond values inclusive and diversity workplace, and actively recruits talent through various channels such as Winbond career site, campus recruitment, social media, industry-academia collaborations, and internal referrals attracting outstanding individuals from different regions and age groups, Winbond also has an internal transfer system that encourages employees to rotate and develop their skills, allowing exceptional talents to flourish in suitable positions. Additionally, in response to the demand for advanced technical expertise from different countries, we hire professionals from Japan, South Korea, India, the United States, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other nation. This fosters a diverse and interactive work environment where employees can stimulate new perspectives innovative thinking.

Since 2018, Winbond has begun implementing digitalization in various processes, such as automated recruitment and training reports, to expedite the entire talent recruitment and onboarding process. This streamlining has significantly reduced the consumption of manpower and time, allowing us to focus more on enhancing the quality of recruitment and talent alignment. Additionally, we have introduced market-competitive compensation and a diverse rewards system as part of our efforts to retain talent, serving as compelling incentives for employees to stay with Winbond. Through our commitment to digital transformation and employee-centric practices, we position Winbond as an employer of choice, attracting and retaining exceptional talents within our workforce.

Recruitment channelsExplanation
Campus recruitment
  • Through campus recruitment events and interactions with students, we provide on-site job consultations and engage in mutual exchange.
  • By leveraging social media platforms to promote our recruitment messages, we ensure that potential candidates have wider exposure to Winbond's job opportunities beyond geographical limitations.
Internal recruitmentThe human resource department announces internal job vacancies based on the recruitment criteria provided by the respective hiring departments. This process facilitates talent mobility within the organization and supports employees in pursuing diverse career paths, ensuring the right fit for each position and promoting a culture of appropriate talent placement.
Job search websites and social mediaJob vacancies at Winbond is posted on the official career site, job portals, and various social media platforms. This approach aims to reach job seekers from different regions and age groups, enabling them to access comprehensive information about job opportunities at Winbond. Additionally, candidates have the convenience of engaging in real-time job consultations with the Winbond recruitment team through fan pages and social media, providing them with immediate access to the necessary guidance and information.
Employee referralWinbond invites its employees to recommend outstanding talent to join the company. By leveraging the employees' understanding and identification with the company, they can refer individuals who are a good fit for Winbond's corporate culture and job requirements.
Summer internship programIn 2023, Winbond opened 17 summer internship positions with a hiring rate of 88%. The aim was to attract outstanding students early on by offering them the same salary and benefits as full-time employees. This provided the students with a practical experience of workplace life and an understanding of job responsibilities, laying a solid foundation for their future careers.

Compensation Policy

Employee compensation is guided by the principles of internal equity and external competitiveness, comprising both fixed components (e.g., base salary, allowances) and variable components (e.g., performance-based bonuses, employee incentives). These bonuses are promptly distributed, allowing colleagues to share in the fruits of our operational achievements, thereby attracting, motivating, and retaining talented individuals. Individual compensation is determined based on job responsibilities and professional expertise, while bonuses and incentives reward a holistic evaluation of personal job performance and contributions. Our commitment to human rights serves as an objective foundation, ensuring that compensation, benefits, evaluations, promotions, and other aspects do not discriminate based on gender, race, skin color, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, age, marital status, pregnancy, physical or mental disabilities, blood type, zodiac sign, or labor representation status.

In 2023, Winbond ensured that the basic monthly salary for inexperienced employees exceeded the statutory minimum wage. Additionally, an annual market salary survey was conducted to review and adjust salaries based on performance, rewarding and retaining valuable talent.

Ratio of Entry-Level Salary (for inexperienced candidates) to Local Minimum Wage

RegionItem2022 2023
TaiwanDirect Employee1.4 times1.3 times
Indirect Employee1.7 times1.7 times
Hong KongIndirect Employee1.2 times1.2 times
JapanIndirect Employee1.6 times1.6 times
ChinaIndirect Employee3.9 times3.9 times

Note: Direct employees are paid based on the basic monthly salary for inexperienced candidates. Indirect employees, on the other hand, are paid based on the basic monthly salary for inexperienced candidates with a college degree.

2023 Ratio of Entry-level Salary between Male and Female Employees

RegionMinimum Starting SalaryMinimum Wage





Hong Kong












Note: Standard salaries are not different based on gender.

Salary Statistics of Full-time Employees in Non-Management Roles in Taiwan

Item20222023Annual Difference
Number of Full-time Employees in Non- Management Roles3,312 persons3,488 persons5.31%
Total Salary of Full-time Employees in Non- Management RolesNT$6,377,932,000NT$5,540,880,000-13.12%
“Average Salary” of Full-time Employees in Non-Management RolesNT$1,926,000NT$1,589,000-17.50%
“Median Salary” of Full-time Employees in Non-Management RolesNT$1,580,000NT$1,382,000-12.53%

Note: The above statistics are calculated based on the regulations of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation.

Employee Salary Ratio

RegionType of PersonnelFemaleMale

Note: Management refer to employees who hold a position at the department head level or above and provide assistance and guidance to other department staff.

Talent development and learning outcomes

Winbond annually designs and implements various training and development programs based on the company's strategy, vision, business decisions, and core culture. These programs are tailored to different organizational levels, professional competencies, and specific target groups. The training initiatives are determined through surveys to assess training needs. Under the "dual-track" talent development system, employees have the flexibility to choose between enhancing their managerial skills or deepening their expertise in specific technical fields, based on their individual development goals and job requirements. Winbond provides a wealth of training resources, including both physical and online courses. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022, the company continued learning initiatives without interruption. Winbond continuously optimizes its cloud-based learning platform and increases the interactivity of live-streamed courses. By offering a diverse range of courses and learning methods, the company aims to empower employees to strengthen their competitiveness, achieve personal growth, and enhance their job performance.

Employer-Employee Relations

Open Employer-Employee Communications

Winbond respects employees' freedom of assembly and collective bargaining rights, as stated in the "Corporate Social Responsibility Management Procedure," detailing employees' rights. While Winbond has not established a labor union, it facilitates various functional, regular communication meetings, including quarterly labor-management meetings, supervisor management discussions, production management meetings, and quality retraining sessions. The company offers diverse, open, and transparent communication channels, such as physical suggestion boxes, the 75234 ("I want to complain") hotline, the “Care” Employee suggestion mailbox, the Sexual Harassment Employee Complaint Committee, employee welfare committees, and environmental and safety committees.

Winbond employees have the option to express their opinions or offer suggestions either anonymously or by name through various communication channels. The company employs confidential measures tailored to each channel's nature for the handling, processing, and content of complaints, ensuring that the complaint handling process and content remain strictly confidential. Individuals responsible for addressing complaints or reports are obligated to maintain absolute confidentiality regarding the identity and content shared by complainants/reporters. Cases are treated and managed as confidential projects, with identities disclosed only with the complainant/reporter's consent. Moreover, Winbond actively gathers employee feedback, both regularly and irregularly, through focus groups and individual interviews, utilizing this input as a foundation for enhancing management policies and service quality. Additionally, training sessions are organized for all newly hired employees or unit managers to guarantee comprehensive awareness of the available communication channels.