Our Focuses|Sustainable Supply Chain|Toward Net-Zero Supply Chain

Sustainable Supply Chain

Considering corporate sustainability from the perspective of the value chain, sustainability factors must be incorporated into the work design and training from inbound logistics and manufacturing to outbound logistics to effectively promote sustainable supply chain management. 
In 2023, Winbond focused on a dual-axis transformation strategy, encompassing digitalization and decarbonization, complemented by an ecosystem approach in work design to implement sustainable supply chain management initiatives. This encompasses managing supplier from the source, conducting internal sustainability training, executing procurement tasks, establishing internal green logistics systems, and closely collaborating with outsourcing partners. Faced with a challenging business environment, Winbond emphasizes the importance of maintaining innovative management thinking and the ability to rapidly adjust and react. This ensures the evolution of timely and adaptive business capabilities with suppliers, ultimately achieving the goal of a sustainable supply chain.

SDGs 17 Partnerships for the Goals
SDGs 13 Climate Action
SDGs 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
SDGs 10 Reduced Inequalities
SDGs 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
SDGs 6 Clean Water and Sanitation

E Accumulated Carbon Abatement


t CO2e

S Co-learning Hours of Eco Supply Chain System



G Implementation of Sustainable Evaluations on Tier-One Key Suppliers



Toward Net-Zero Supply Chain

Low-carbon Supply Chain Strategy and Management

Addressing significant concerns about extreme climate events and reducing carbon emissions has become a primary focus for international brand manufacturers. Achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 has garnered consensus among numerous countries and enterprises worldwide. Winbond advocates leading by example and believes that effective propagation of carbon reduction efforts starts internally.

Internally, Winbond has established sustainable procurement practices (including local, circular, and green procurement), implemented an internal green logistics management system, and supported outsourced partners in developing low-carbon technologies. Externally, Winbond encourages and promotes carbon reduction initiatives among suppliers, regularly collects data to monitor progress towards carbon reduction goals, organizes various supplier engagement activities to build consensus on carbon reduction, and collaborates with government subsidy projects to reduce carbon management costs for suppliers and lower entry barriers. Together with suppliers, Winbond aims to become a responsible corporate citizen committed to sustainable practices.


Low Carbon Supply Chain Strategy - Comprehensive Carbon Reduction Management



Leading by Example - Carbon Reduction Initiatives at the Supply Chain Source

  • Sustainable Procurement

In response to stakeholders' expectations regarding Winbond's sustainability performance, our procurement efforts strive to achieve the optimal balance between economic and environmental costs. Winbond's Sustainable Procurement Efforts include local procurement, which effectively reduces GHG emissions generated by international transportation distances, circular procurement to promote material recycling and reuse, and green procurement to encourage domestic suppliers to provide green products/services. These initiatives are integrated into Winbond' sustainable procurement promotion efforts.

Local Procurement

Circular Procurement

Green Procurement

In 2023, Winbond actively adjusted the procurement ratios of various raw material suppliers, due to the external impacts such as climate change, inflation control, and conflicts in Ukraine, Israel, etc., and internal demands for green products and process improvements. The proportion of local procurement increased from 37.6% in 2022 to 37.8%, marking a 0.2% annual increase.Winbond applies the concept of closing the loop in the circular economy to identify products or services that can generate economic benefits through circularity in the operations of CTSP and Kaohsiung fabs. By leveraging its bargaining power and negotiating with suppliers, Winbond achieved over NT$2.3 million in sales performance from the recycling and sale of various waste products in 2023, including Scrap Targets, O-rings, FOSBs, mixed metals, laptops, screens, iron, and tray pallets.Since 2022, CTSP and Kaohsiung Fabs have initiated ESG energy-saving projects. Procurement teams actively utilize their purchasing capabilities, vendor selection strategies, and allocation percentages to enhance greenhouse gas reduction efforts. They trace and select appropriate suppliers to provide suitable resources and processes for the plants. In response to Taiwan's 2050 net-zero emissions pathway and the "12 Key Strategic Action Plans," starting from procurement, our teams mandate the collection of sustainably certified products in daily and general supplies (such as energy-saving labels, water-saving labels, and ENERGY STAR certification). This involves tracing and listing suppliers who comply with these standards.
  • Performance in 2023

  • Performance in 2023
  • Performance in 2023
    • ESG Energy-saving Procurement Project
      • Procurement of domestic equipment exceeding NT$160 million
  • Green Procurement 
    • Over NT$50 million


  • Green Logistics

In 2023, Winbond actively responded to this demand by incorporating plans for low-carbon production into its internal logistics system, based on considerations within the company's value chain. This included optimizing transportation frequency and logistics operations, reducing packaging materials through recycling and minimizing waste, and promoting resource utilization from waste materials.

Optimization of transportation trips and logistics operations

Reduction and recycling of packaging materials

Resource utilization of waste materials

Fully implementing drop shipment to reduce carbon emissions generated from returns. Additionally, requiring all third-party logistics providers (3rd Party) to optimize dispatch planning with the best routes and fleet combinations based on cargo economy, while actively assessing the feasibility of adopting new types of power vehicles (electric, hydrogen).For packaging materials, we require suppliers to increase the proportion of recycled materials while maintaining product packaging strength. Suppliers must provide a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to demonstrate compliance with safety standards.We gather market information to comprehensively evaluate various recycling methods for waste resources. We actively guide manufacturers to seek innovative technologies for recycling and remanufacturing that comply with legal, economic, and environmental standards.
  • Performance in 2023
    • Direct shipment ratio by outsourcing vendors: 98%
    • Carbon emissions reduction: 110.9 tCO2e
  • Performance in 2023
    • Outer boxes: 80% recycled paper pulp content
    • Pallets: 100% recycled plastic content
  • Performance in 2023
    • Recycling of waste PVC gloves
      • Carbon emissions reduction: 5.95  tCO2e
      • Cost savings: Over NT$240,000
  • Capability of OSAT Research and Development 

In 2023, Winbond leveraged government subsidies and carbon reduction guidance resources from the Institute for Information Industry to motivate outsourcer to eliminate high-energy-consuming or inefficient machinery and equipment. They were also encouraged to identify carbon emission hotspots and significant energy uses through GHG emission verification and by implementing the ISO 50001 energy management system.
In summary, the low-carbon technology development among outsourcers in 2023 focused on three aspects: Firstly, monitoring the input of energy and resources in each stage of testing and packaging processes, and actively communicating with outsourcers to reduce energy usage; secondly, evaluating the development of green materials and prioritizing the use of raw materials that meet environmental and regulatory standards; collaborating with outsourcers to brainstorm ideas for low-carbon processes. Third, by optimizing upstream material inputs, waste generation during the outsourcing phase is minimized, effectively lowering overall waste disposal across Winbond's supply chain.

  • Product carbon footprint assessment (ISO 14067:2018): Obtained 100% declaration statements for major packaging types (BGA, SOP, SON, WLCSP, RDL).

  • Sustainable process development: Optimization of baking times, evaluation of low-carbon packaging materials.

  • Optimization of raw material inputs: Carbon reduction project for packaging materials.

Dissemination and Influences Governance Power in Winbond Supply Chain

As global brands increasingly emphasize the carbon reduction capabilities of their supply chain members, the trend towards supply chain-based carbon reduction units is becoming clearer worldwide. To ensure each supplier gradually becomes a participant in Winbond's supply chain carbon reduction efforts, Winbond has established a Carbon Management Portfolio strategy. This strategy integrates four key approaches: Data Governance, Sustainable Learning from Large to Small, Management Transformation, and Joint Identification of Development Opportunities, forming the core of Winbond's low-carbon governance across its supply chain.

  • Objectives
    • By 2030, ensure that Tier-one suppliers are informed and equipped with information, knowledge, and capabilities for carbon management and reduction.
    • Achieve a 10% reduction in carbon emissions across the supply chain by 2030 (baseline year: 2021).
    • Achieve net-zero emissions across the supply chain by 2050.
  • Winbond's Supply Chain Low-carbon Initiative Milestones


  • Performance in Supply Chain Energy Resources and Greenhouse Gas Reductions in 2023


Low Carbon Supply Chain Management Process


Carbon Management Strategy Portfolio

Management Process

Item and Performance

Large Leads Small Initiative

1. Identify conflicts

2. Carbon reduction declaration

4. Fostering Collective Awareness

  • ESG co-learning workshops for critical suppliers

    • Invite long-standing suppliers with outstanding performance in carbon reduction to participate in ESG collaborative learning

    • By 2024, a cumulative total of 28 collaborative learning sessions will have been conducted.

  • Management Forum: Sustainable Supply Chain Upgrade + Forums
    • Total of 4 sessions conducted.
  • Technical Forum: Advanced Packaging Technology Forum
    • Total of 3 sessions conducted.

Data Governance

3. Data Governance

  • Sustainable Supply Chain Resource Usage Survey

    • In 2023, actively conducted assessments on 152 key Tier-one suppliers (comprising 80-90% of procurement spend) directly supplying products, technologies, and services. The assessments covered electricity consumption, water usage, waste management, greenhouse gas emissions, international climate governance performance, various energy consumption metrics, and product carbon footprint status.

    • For suppliers listed by the Ministry of Environment with carbon emissions greater than 25,000 tons, communicate with them to disclose the inspection results and encourage them to carry out energy conversion and related emission reduction measures.

    • 2023 Survey Results

      • Annual electricity savings: 39 million kWh

      • Annual water conservation: 2.828 million metric tons 

      • Annual waste reduction: 77,500 metric tons

      • Number of ISO 14064-1:2018 Certified Companies: 35

      • Number of greenhouse gas reduction companies: 91

      • Number of ISO 14067:2018 Certified Companies: 14

      • Number of ISO 50001 Certified Companies: 19

      • Number of Companies Participating in CDP Survey: 58

      • [Note] The electricity conservation volume was the difference between the electricity consumption calculated from the Scope 2 emissions in 2022 and the baseline year (2021). The emissions for both years were verified by a verification body. The water conservation volume and waste reduction volume were management data provided by suppliers based on the principle of good faith.

  • Carbon Management Behavior Matrix

    • Winbond built its own supplier carbon management behavior scale and comprehensively analyzed the energy resource usage survey results to establish a supplier carbon management mechanism and provide procurement colleagues with strategies for continuous communication.

    • Supplier carbon management level mechanism and grading criteria

      • The Tier-one directly supplies products, technologies and services to Winbond’s suppliers

      • Suppliers listed by the Ministry of Environment with carbon emissions greater than 25,000 tons

      • Products supplied to Winbond are those with high carbon emission intensity

Managing transformation

1. Identify conflicts

3. Data Governance

4. Fostering Collective Awareness

  • Conduct ESG education and training for colleagues in the supply chain management center to strengthen internal colleagues’ empathy for suppliers’ carbon reduction efforts, replace requirements with encouragement, assistance, and reciprocity, and reduce the resistance of various suppliers to carbon reduction efforts.

    • Training hours in 2023: 28 hours (person)

  • Sustainable work digitization: Establishing Winbond Electronics supplier platform

    • Routine supply chain operations

    • Supplier ESG Interactive Network

    • Outsourcer product carbon footprint information exchange module

    • Green product operations management module

Identifying Development Opportunities Together

5. Carbon Abatement together

  • Led by Winbond, and with the establishment of an ESG sustainable supply chain team, a consortium comprising 13 suppliers including raw materials, packaging and testing, machinery and equipment, and factory engineering, successfully applied for a full NT$30 million subsidy from the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
  • 2024 Winbond’s Supply Chain Transformation Diagnosis and Subsidies Webinar: 
    • We collaborated with teams from the Institute for Information Industry and several universities (including Ming Chi University of Technology, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, and National Cheng Kung University Sustainability Development Center) to provide carbon reduction guidance resources to their Tier-one suppliers. We held two briefing webinars in 2024, with a total of 80 participating suppliers.
    • We also partnered with the Institute for Information Industry to consolidate and provide free online resources for sustainable talent development in Taiwan to their Tier-one suppliers.