Stakeholder Engagement|Stakeholder Communication

Stakeholder Communication

Stakeholder Communication

Stakeholder Communications and Outcomes

The relevance and precedence of stakeholders are identified by Winbond using the five principles of the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (SES) 2015. These include Dependency, Responsibility, Influence, Tension, and Diverse Perspectives. 

In 2022, 22 of Winbond senior management were involved in conducting the stakeholder identification survey, and identified the following major stakeholders after confirming the extent of each stakeholder’s relationship with Winbond: government agencies, customers, employees, investors/shareholders, media, suppliers/contractors, and community groups.

The communication status with stakeholders  was reported at the 13th meeting of the 6th Board of Directors On December 22, 2023.

Government Agencies







Government agencies are concerned with Winbond’s regulatory compliance on environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. Its influence on industry development and policy implementation makes it a material stakeholder.
Government agencies are concerned with Winbond’s regulatory compliance on environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. Its influence on industry development and policy implementation makes it a material stakeholder.


Material Topics

  • Business Integrity and Corporate Governance
  • Talent Management
  • Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Risk Management

Channel and Frequency of Communication

  • Official documents andcorrespondence (ad hoc) 
  • Public hearings (ad hoc) 
  • Policy information sessions (ad hoc)
  • Regulatory conferences (ad hoc) 
  • Inspections by competent authority (ad hoc) ESG questionnaire (annual)

2023 Communication Effectiveness

  • Participated in 65 meetings with Occupational safety and health management entities.
  • Conducted 38 on-site audits and inspections with  Occupational safety and health management entities
  • Engaged in  24 public association
Customers are the primary source of economic value creation for Winbond. They are key stakeholders concerned with Winbond's ESG performance.
Customer Testimonials: “From numerous discussions about future strategies and supply chain management with suppliers, Winbond stands out as the most enthusiastic and well-prepared supply partner.“ - Miss Rachel Huang Manager, Inventec 


Material Topic

  • Business Integrity and Corporate Governance
  • Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management
  • Green Product
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Productivity and Business Performance
  • Research, Development and Innovation
  • Risk Management
  • Supply Chain Management

Channel and Frequency of Communication

  • Winbond official website, telephone, and e-mail (immediate)
  • Sales meetings (regular)
  • ESG questionnaire (annual)
  • Technical seminars (annual)
  • Internal Audit (annual)
  • Customer audits (ad hoc)

2023 Communication Effectiveness

  • WinTech 2023: Exploring product performance, market dynamics, future trends, and technical solutions.
  • International exhibitions: Participating in the Germany Embedded World 2023, Shanghai electronica 2023, USA Flash Memory Summit, Japan EdgeTech+ and other international exhibitions.
  • Technical seminars:
    • Conducting product technology forums in Shenzhen and Shanghai with our partner NXP, focusing on the Chinese market.
    • Organizing Distributor Sales Conference events, featuring market outlook presentations by senior executives, product planning and advantages presentations by business group managers, and market observation and analysis by sales center.
  • Daily visit and communication
Employees are one of the most important assets.Serving as key stakeholders in our continued breakthroughs and innovations.
Employee Testimonial: “Thanks to Winbond’s various policies that support employees to achieve a balance between work and family. LOHAS leave and flexible working hours provide more time to spend with their children. The maternity subsidy provided quarterly for four years is just like regular small sure payments every quarter. Fortunately, we can actually feel that the company pays attention to employees' families and life attitude.” - Kai Jen


Material Topic

  • Business Integrity and Corporate Governance
  • Talent Management
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Productivity and Business Performance

Channel and Frequency of Communication

  • Internal Hotline 75234 Employee Complaints Hotline (always available)
  • “Care” Employee Suggestions Box (always available)
  • Illegal Employment Infringement Appeals and Arbitration Committee (always available)
  • Health Consultation (always available)
  • Health Promotion Activities (ad hoc)
  • Surveys on Health, Stress, and Physical Aches (annual)
  • Employee Welfare Committee (ad hoc)
  • Employer-Employee Meetings and Supervisor Communication Meetings (quarterly)
  • Functional Communications Meetings (regular)
  • Internal Bulletin Board (ad hoc)
  • Articles on Winbond Philosophy Published on the Employee Homepage (weekly)
  • Monthly Labor Safety Meetings (monthly)
  • Environmental Safety and Health Committee (quarterly)
  • ESG questionnaire (annual)

2023 Communication Effectiveness

  • 12 cases of internal complaints in total (excluding the sexual harassment)
  • 2  cases of sexual harassment
  • 48 reports of everyday issues received through the suggestion box
  • 4 quarterly supervisor management discussion sessions were held. These sessions were attended by 2,099 people, achieving an attendance rate of 88%.
  • 9 labor-management meetings were held (Zhubei Building, CTSP Fab, Kaohsiung Fab).
Shareholders/Investors are Winbond’s main source of capital. They are mainly concerned with Winbond’s operating performance and sustainable development.
Dialogue and Engagement with Investors: “In the past two years, Winbond has engaged in exchanged and negotiated with Winbond on ESG materiality issues, ESG development, and MSCI ESG Rating, and Winbond has further shared its ESG actions, carbon inventory and verification timetable of domestic and foreign subsidiaries. The company's open and transparent attitude is the key to building investor trust, and it also reflects the company's recognition and commitment to ESG values. Cathay Life also sincerely hopes that the company can take the ESG field to the next level, so as to bring positive and long-term impact to both parties and society!” - Responsible Investment Team, Cathay Life Insurance


Material Topic

  • Business Integrity and Corporate Governance
  • Green Product
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Productivity and Business Performance
  • Research, Development and Innovation
  • Risk Management

Channel and Frequency of Communication

  • Telephone and e-mail (immediate)
  • Winbond official website (ad hoc)
  • The Taiwan Stock Exchange Market Observation Post System (ad hoc)
  • Investor conference (biannual, or whenever necessary due to special circumstances)
  • One-on-one meetings with institutional investors (10-20 times/quarter)
  • Shareholders' Meeting (annual)
  • ESG questionnaire (annual)

2023 Communication Effectiveness

  • 12 disclosures of revenue
  • 1 annual shareholders’ meeting
  • 2  institutional investor conferences
  • 48 Corporate communication meetings
  • 4 disclosures of financial reports
The media serves as a bridge between Winbond and stakeholders. With immediate access to information released by Winbond, they can assist Winbond with the disclosure of positive sustainability information.

Material Topic

  • Business Integrity and Corporate Governance
  • Talent Management
  • Green Product
  • Productivity and Business Performance
  • Research, Development and Innovation

Channel and Frequency of Communication

  • Telephone and e-mail (immediate)
  • Press release (regular)
  • Media interviews (annual)
  • ESG questionnaire (annual)

2023 Communication Effectiveness

  • 25 telephone and e-mail communications
  • 30 press releases
    Winbond operating report provided 2 times
  • 2 press conferences held
Suppliers/Contractors provide supplies and services required for Winbond’s production operations. They help maintain Winbond's continuous and sustainable operations, making them also important stakeholders and partners of Winbond’s sustainable development.
Supplier Testimonial: “Thank you, for inviting us to participate in the ‘Big with Small’ project and for the government funding support. Let’s continue building a win-win partnership with Winbond as we work towards our net-zero goal by 2050!”  - Choc Choc Lin, Vice Chair of the Sustainable Development Committee, Walton Advanced Engineering


Material Topic

  • Business Integrity and Corporate Governance
  • Green Product
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Research, Development and Innovation
  • Supply Chain Management

Channel and Frequency of Communication

  • Winbond Ethics and Integrity Policy and complaint channel (Six months)
  • External complaints channels (immediate)
  • Supplier audits (annual)
  • Evaluations of major suppliers (once every six months)
  • ESG evaluations of suppliers (annual

2023 Communication Effectiveness

  • 100% suppliers have signed the Commitment to Ethical Conduct and the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct
  • 100% of key suppliers have signed the Declaration of Non-Use of Conflict Minerals
  • 100% of key suppliers have signed the Hazardous Substance Free Declaration (HSF).
  • 0 cases of supplier complaints
  • 100% of suppliers have passed economic, environmental, and social impact audits, and have adopted sustainability review standards.
Their proximity to Winbond’s operating locations means they bear the brunt of the impact from our operations. Their welfare is therefore of high importance to Winbond.
Conserving and nurturing 27 species of Theaceae to protect Taiwan's native plants and preserve Theaceae germplasm


Material Topic

  • Business Integrity and Corporate Governance
  • Talent Management
  • Regulatory Compliance

Channel and Frequency of Communication

  • Volunteer activities (ad hoc)
  • Collaborative projects and visits (ad hoc)

2023 Communication Effectiveness

  • We have cultivated 27 Theaceae  species, including 1 species that is classified as critically endangered, 1 as endangered, 6 as vulnerable, and 3 as near threatened, as listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  • Happy Breakfast Program for School Children in Rural Areas which benefits 101 students
  • Fundraising for Impoverished Students Education Financial Aid which benefits 1,023 students
  • Donate NT$115,000 in Southern Taiwan Science park charity picnic
  • Collected 70 kg of trash in the activity - Guard Fazi River activities
  • Total amount of charitable donations NT$18.11 million