Our Focuses|Corporate Governance|Functional Committee

Corporate Governance

“Business integrity” is the foundation of the sustainable operation of the enterprise, and it is the highest corporate culture and spirit of Winbond. Winbond is committed to formulating comprehensive corporate governance regulations and management processes, and continuously monitoring and improving processes. With the efforts of all colleagues, Winbond has been ranked in the top 20% since the first TWSE Corporate Governance Evaluation. Moving forward, we will continue to embrace a corporate culture founded on business integrity, establishing a trustworthy and reputable company.

SDGs 17 Partnerships for the Goals
SDGs 13 Climate Action
SDGs 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Renewable energy investment



International Voluntary Carbon Credits


tons of CO2e

Integrity and ethics education and training for all directors and employees



Functional Committee

Functional Committees

NameThe Audit CommitteeThe Remuneration CommitteeThe ESG CommitteeThe Risk Management CommitteeExpertise


Arthur Yu-Cheng Chiao





Management, Risk Management
Allen Hsu


Financial Accounting
Stephen T. Tso


Risk Management, Information Technology
Chung-Ming Kuan
Jong-Peir Li
Finance, Risk Management
Priorities of the Audit Committee
  • The acceptable expression of the Company’s financial statements.
  • The selection (removal), independence and performance of the Certified Public Account (CPA).
  • The effective implementation of the Company’s internal control.
  • The compliance with relevant laws and regulations by the Company.
  • The control of the Company’s existing or potential risks.
Priorities of the Remuneration Committee
  • Regularly review the regulation and propose amendments.
  • Formulate and regularly review the policies, systems, standards and structures of directors and managers’ annual performance targets, salary and remuneration.
  • Regularly evaluate the achievement of directors and managers’ performance goals, and determine the content and amount of their individual salary and remuneration.

ESG committee

The committee consists of the chairman and all independent directors, with the chairman serving as the committee’s chairperson. (The term of office for directors on the committee is the same as that of the board of directors)
In 2023, 2 meeting of ESG committee was convened, with an attendance rate of 80%.
  • Established the ESG office and five task forces, including Environmental Sustainability, Green Product, Human Rights and Social Inclusion, Sustainable Supply Chain, and Corporate Governance, to ensure the promotion and implementation of works related to corporate sustainability.
  • ESG Committee shall convene at least twice annually and may hold meetings as needed.
  • ESG Committee shall regularly report to the Board of Directors every year on the implementation results of ESG committee.

Performance Evaluation of Committee

The nineteenth Meeting of the Board of Directors of the eleventh Term of the company (December 23, 2019) amended the company’s "Rules for Remuneration of Directors and Performance Assessment of the Board of Directors ", and incresed the performance evaluation system of Committee. The staff in charge of board meeting affairs will compile the results and submit the results to the Remuneration Committee and the Board of Directors. For relevant information, please see attachment.