Our Focuses|Social Inclusion|Care for Youths and Children and Support the Disadvantaged

Social Inclusion

Starting from its ESG vision, Winbond aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to tackle various societal challenges. It incorporates Winbond's core strengths into three main strategic initiatives: Talent Development, Nature-based Solutions, and the Promotion of Charity and Environmental Protection, aiming to leverage resources for social impact.
1.Talent Development: Winbond is committed to fostering individuals by imparting new knowledge and skills, thereby offering opportunities for their development. Notable initiatives in 2023 include the "Semiconductor Academy," "Academic Sponsorship," and organizing "Cultural Events.”
2.Natural-based Solutions: In line with achieving the 2050 net-zero target, Winbond collaborates with various sectors to promote industry-academia-government cooperation programs. Key projects in 2023 include "Afforestation" and "Conservation and Breeding," aimed at carbon removal from the atmosphere and enhancing biodiversity simultaneously.
3.Promotion of Charity and Environmental Protection: Winbond dedicates resources to assist vulnerable groups and improve livelihoods. Key initiatives in 2023 include "Supporting the Disadvantaged," "Emergency Aid," and "Environmental Protection."

SDGs 17 Partnerships for the Goals
SDGs 13 Climate Action
SDGs 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDGs 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDGs3 Good Health and Well-Being

Total Social Welfare Investment Amount



Education Financial Aid Raised for Impoverished Students



Supporting elementary school students for a whole year



Care for Youths and Children and Support the Disadvantaged


Care for Youths and Children

Happy Breakfast Program for School Children in Rural Areas

To help improve the breakfast of school children in rural areas, since 2011, senior management has been making voluntary donations through a non-profit organization to fund the happy breakfast program for rural elementary schools in Hsinchu and Taichung. By breakfasts and support for rural schools, sustaining the basic needs and health of school children, so they can be physically and mentally equipped to explore the world. Winbond provided NT$590,000 in breakfast funding in 2023 to continue supporting healthy learning for school children. At the same time, our employees also conducted on-site visits to understand the benefits of the program for further evaluation and enhancement.


The amount of sponsorship
595100 NTD

Supporting the Disadvantaged

Fundraising for Impoverished Students Education Financial Aid

To supplement education resources for children from impoverished families and help them to attend school on a regular basis, Winbond has been working with Taiwan Fund for Children and Families since 2017 by inviting employees to raise education financial aid. From the president to entry-level employees, our colleagues responded enthusiastically and 1,089 employees raised $4,092,000 in 2023, supporting 1,023 elementary school students for a whole year.

In 2023, donation amount from Winbond employees
4092000 NTD
Supporting elementary school students for a whole year
1023 beneficiaries


Result of Fundraising for Impoverished Students Education Financial Aid

Supporting the Disadvantaged

Caring for the Vulnerable through Volunteer Cleaning Services

The Momo Club was established in 2010. Currently, the Momo Club has 21 volunteer members, including all levels of staff from high-level managers to basic-level workers, as well as employees' relatives and friends. The members of the club engage in services such as cleaning, collecting/donating invoices, and providing funds for replacement of damaged facilities in the children's homes, which not only helped solve the difficulty of shortage of manpower in the children’s homes but also reduced their costs and expenses. In 2023, the Momo Club provided services with 35 participants and a total of 92 service hours.

Service hours is
92 hrs
Number of participants is
2023 Southern Taiwan Science Park Charity Picnic

Winbond set up a booth at the “2023 Southern Taiwan Science Park Charity Picnic” for a charity sale, and the proceeds of NT$15,000 were all donated to charity. In addition, another NT$100,000 was donated to the Kaohsiung City Government Bureau of Social Affairs to improve the basic life and learning quality of disadvantaged families around the Southern Taiwan Science Park.

Charity sale income were all donated to charity
15000 NTD
Donated to the Kaohsiung City Government Bureau of Social Affairs
100000 NTD