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Sustainable Marasong

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Winbond's Sustainability starts from small to big, like a long-distance marathon, and every little effort accumulates influence to the whole earth and becomes an hidden champion.

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If no changes are made, by how many degrees Celsius will the temperature rise by the end of this century?

  • A

    Around 2 ℃

  • B

    Around 3 ℃

  • C

    Around 5 ℃


Which of the following is a renewable energy source?

  • A


  • B

    Natural Gas

  • C

    Solar Energy


How many adults in the world are illiterate?

  • A

    1 in every 10

  • B

    1 in every 50

  • C

    1 in every 100


What are the common key words for reducing waste?

  • A


  • B


  • C



How many species on Earth are at risk of extinction?

  • A

    1 million species

  • B

    100 million species

  • C

    10 thousand species

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SDGs 13 Climate Action

In 2015, countries reached an agreement to establish the “Paris Agreement,” aiming to limit the global average temperature increase since the Industrial Revolution to below 2°C, ideally within 1.5°C. 

Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases emitted from various human activities. If economic development continues unchecked, the amount of carbon dioxide will keep increasing. It is estimated that by 2100, the global temperature could rise by up to 5°C.  

Winbond has implemented the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework to assess the risks and opportunities posed by climate change. A TCFD project team was formed, consisting of nearly 30 colleagues from 15 departments. Out of 35 climate risks, 7 major and 7 minor climate risks were identified, along with 5 major and 7 minor climate opportunities from 18 climate opportunities. 

Winbond aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13, “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts,” with the following achievements:

  • Zero days of production interruptions due to climate-related disasters.
  • Since 2006, participating in the Taiwan and World Semiconductor Council’s Perfluorocarbon Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Project, combined with company-wide carbon reduction activities, has resulted in a cumulative reduction of approximately 2.28 million metric tons of CO2e emissions, equivalent to the annual carbon sequestration capacity of 5,907 Da’an Forest Parks.

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SDGs 13 Climate Action SDGs 7 Affordable and Clean Energy

The use of fossil fuels contributes to global warming, making the choice of energy sources a global concern. Taiwan, being an energy-scarce country, relies on imports for over 90% of its energy, making energy issues even more critical.  

The most important future energy sources are renewable energies like solar, hydro, and wind power, which harness natural forces. These energy sources produce minimal carbon dioxide during their generation, helping to prevent global warming and ensuring sustainability.

  • Commitment to 2030: The Taichung plant aims to use 90% green electricity, investing 955 million in renewable energy projects to foster the development of the renewable energy industry and increase its share in the global energy mix.

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SDGs 5 Gender Equality SDGs4

There are 617 million children worldwide who cannot achieve basic reading and math skills. Additionally, 1 in every 10 adults remains illiterate, totaling about 750 million people, two-thirds of whom are women. One reason is poverty, as many families cannot afford to send all their children to school, often prioritizing boys due to traditional gender biases.

  • Educational Aid for Underprivileged Children: To support disadvantaged children and families with educational resources and stable schooling, Winbond has collaborated with the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families since 2017, inviting employees to participate in fundraising for educational aid. From the general manager to entry-level employees, everyone has enthusiastically responded. Between 2017 and 2022, a total of 5,366 beneficiaries received aid, with total donations amounting to NT2,146.4 million. In 2023, 1,023 children were helped, with donations totaling NT409.2 million.

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SDGs 12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Among them, Refuse (refusing to generate waste) means only buying necessary items and rejecting excessive packaging to prevent waste from being generated in the first place.  

There are four key words for cherishing resources, collectively known as the “4Rs of Environmental Protection.” These 4Rs are - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Refuse. These are actions that everyone can start immediately to cherish resources.  

Winbond aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns,” with the following achievements:

  • Winbond commits to not using conflict minerals and publishes an independent Conflict Minerals Due Diligence Report.
  • 100% of key suppliers have signed Winbond’s Supplier Code of Conduct Commitment Letter.
  • Continuously promoting sustainability awareness, organizing various low-carbon activities with suppliers to build consensus on carbon reduction.
  • In 2023, a total of 24 supplier ESG workshops were held

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SDGs 15 Life on Land

Among the 1 million species at risk of extinction, about half are insects. 

The Earth has faced five mass extinction events in the past, leading to concerns that a sixth mass extinction may be imminent. Currently, the rate of species extinction is 10 to 100 times faster than the average rate over the past 10 million years. 

Winbond aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15, “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss,” with the following achievements:

  • At the Kaohsiung fab, Winbond has planted approximately 1,300 native tree species in collaboration with National Chung Hsing University as part of a 30-year afforestation project, with an estimated total carbon sequestration of 390 metric tons of CO2e.
  • Participated in the Ministry of Agriculture’s tree adoption program, planting four native tree species with an estimated total carbon sequestration of 990 metric tons of CO2e.
  • Launched the Baoshan Plant Preservation Project, targeting the cultivation of native Taiwanese tree species. Currently, 27 species have been collected and cultivated, including one species classified as critically endangered, one as endangered, six as vulnerable, and three as near threatened in the Red List.
  • Conservation efforts for the endangered wild plant “Spiranthes sinensis” (Lady’s Tresses orchid), protecting its habitat and maintaining ecological balance.

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