Our Focuses|Human Rights and Talent Management|Human Right

Human Rights and Talent Management

Winbond complies with internationally-recognized human rights standards, taking these standards as our highest-level guiding principle, and labor rights laws. Winbond protects our employees’ freedom of association and right to free speech, and do not discriminate against employees on the basis of race, age, gender, sexual preference, disability, pregnancy, politics, and religion. Winbond is devoted to creating a workplace free from discrimination.

Winbond is committed to putting people first, and adheres to international human rights conventions and labor rights laws. Through the comprehensive human resource policies established by our human resource department, Winbond has protected the human rights of our employees, and ensured that Winbond practices diversity, equality, and human rights protection. In 2022, Winbond was certified by the RBA Validated Assessment Program (VAP) as having zero violations, and experienced no violation of laws and regulations in 2023. Winbond continuously lead employees to actively engage in social welfare activities, benefit the external community, create value and expand our positive social impact.

SDGs 17 Partnerships for the Goals
SDGs 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

First time performed a human rights due diligence investigation, with the coverage of potential negative human rights impact assessment is



Providing a monthly Childcare Allowance for employees of



Weighted employment of disabled individuals increased by



Human Right

Human Rights

Human Rights Policy

Winbond Electronics Corp. promises to abide by internationally recognized human rights standards as the highest guiding principle, including but not limited to:

  • UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
  • UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the International Labor Organization

Based on the above guiding principles, Winbond manages all employees, affiliated companies, related enterprises, suppliers, contractors, and partners (customers, communities), with a commitment to respecting and protecting human rights. The following important issues are of concern:


To abide by local laws and regulations of the operational base and provide a safe and legal working environment.


To continuously promote a culture of diversity and inclusion by recruiting and developing diverse talents


To protect the labor rights of disadvantaged groups such as women, indigenous peoples, foreign employees and people with disabilities so as to ensure equal employment opportunities , eliminate employment discrimination and avoid unequal pay for equal work


To prohibit any form of forced labor, human trafficking and child labor from being employed


To prohibit any form of inhumane treatment, including bullying or harassment


To respect the freedom of expression and participation of all individuals, without any interference or restriction that hinders their rights and lawful exercise. To maintain diverse communication channels, provide complaint mechanisms, and protect the confidentiality and anonymity of complainants


To promise, propose, approve, give or accept bribe or other legitimate gains are prohibited


To purchase minerals responsibly


To integrate guidelines of RBA (Responsible Business Alliance) into policies and management systems, conduct regular human rights due diligence to identify and assess risks, and promote preventive/ mitigation measures and tracking mechanisms.


Human Rights Due Diligence Investigation

Winbond places a high priority on the development of human rights issues, and has proactively invested into human rights management activities. In order to sufficiently assess human rights risks, allowing for continuous improvements to be made, Winbond has performed a human rights due diligence investigation of all of our employees for the first time in 2022.

Winbond has conducted this investigation with reference to sustainability assessment and standards trends, developing a framework for this investigation based on an analysis of these trends. These standards include, without limitation, the UN Global Compact, the International Bill of Human Rights, the UNGPs on Business and Human Rights, the ILO-Declaration of Fundamental Right at Work, the International Labor Office Tripartite Declaration of Principles, and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct.

Implementation of the Human Rights Due Diligence Investigation



All employees at Taiwan headquarters, including the Taipei Office, Zhubei Office, CTSP Fab, Tainan Office, and Kaohsiung Fab.



Coverage rate of potential negative human rights impact assessment


Human Rights Due Diligence Investigation Procedures

Data analysis

Research background, business models, and management conditions for assessed industries, to understand the scope of the issue, and identify targets for each stage of the assessment.

Identification of Potential Negative Impact

Identify the human rights risks and issues applicable to Winbond, use this information as a the basis for the assessment.

Assessment of Potential Negative Impact

Conduct quantitative and qualitative studies. A quantitative risk value is calculated based on the occurrence frequency and severity of impact reported on the human rights risk assessment questionnaire, together with internal practice assessments and employee interviews.

Analysis of Potential Negative Impact

Undertake human rights risk mitigation and remediation actions based on the assessment results, and establish a management cycle for continuous improvements.

Report and Disclosure

Produce human rights due diligence investigation report on the regular basis, which reveals the investigation process and related risk analysis results.

Improvement and Follow-Ups

The results of these questionnaires reveal that none of the 28 issues identified are high risk issues which requires immediately action. 6 issues are medium risks which requires additional mitigation measures. The remaining 22 issues are all low risks, revealing that employees generally believe that there is only a low probability for these human rights risks to take place at Winbond, and that their impact on human rights is limited. Winbond continues addressing the 6 medium risks, reducing the occurrence and the impact. Please refer to 2022 Winbond Human Rights Due Diligence Report for the action plans.